
Why You Can’t Afford to Skip Market Research During Times of Uncertainty.

Image of the post author Geetika Chhatwal

Market research is crucial for companies of all sizes when introducing new campaigns, products, or service lines. While some companies may consider market research too expensive, cumbersome, or unnecessary, particularly in uncertain times, it is important to understand that market research is the foundation of any successful marketing initiative. In fact, market research even lowers risk during times of high inflation and uncertain times.

It is a valuable tool brands can use to understand their target audience better and the demand for their products or services. However, some organizations may overlook the importance of market research in budget discussions, especially if they prioritize immediate financial returns over long-term strategic benefits. This can be a costly mistake since companies that fail to engage in market research may give their competitors an edge. The company that can best understand consumer needs and desires is typically better positioned for success in the market.

Consider Target’s expansion into Canada as an example. Despite being a retail giant, Target made the pivotal error of bypassing market research and instead just relied on its well-known brand to attract Canadian consumers. In 2013, after acquiring leases from a defunct discount retailer, Target hurriedly transformed these spaces into its stores. Despite investing heavily in marketing across various platforms, Target did not invest in understanding the unique preferences of the Canadian market. The discrepancy in product offerings and higher prices compared to its U.S. stores led to a swift and costly retreat from the Canadian market in less than two years, marking the venture as a failure.

This example shows the indispensable value of market research in navigating new markets and ensuring the alignment of product offerings with local consumer expectations.

Understanding the market is not merely an advantage but essential for survival and growth. Market research is the linchpin of informed decision-making and strategic planning. Despite its critical importance, many companies bypass this step, which can lead to disastrous outcomes. The consequences of neglecting market research are profound and multifaceted, from misjudging consumer preferences to underestimating competitors. And no matter what economic cycle we might be in, brands cannot afford to make these mistakes.

5 Reasons Why Market Research is Indispensable.

#1 Understanding Consumer Preferences: Essential for Product and Service Alignment

The insight from market research is crucial for tailoring your offerings to meet market demands effectively. A notable misstep in this area was by Coors when it introduced Rocky Mountain Sparkling Water in 1990. At a time when bottled water was surging in popularity, Coors, well-known for its beer, ventured into the bottled water market, expecting its brand name to boost sales significantly. 

However, the company bypassed comprehensive market research to gauge consumer reactions. The result? Widespread confusion among consumers, who were uncertain if the water contained beer or alcohol due to the branding. This confusion was compounded by Coors’s reliance on its established brand name to penetrate a new market filled with preferred brands without giving consumers a clear reason to choose its product over others. The insistence on maintaining the “Coors” branding rather than seeking alternative marketing strategies for bottled water exemplified a market research oversight. This case highlights the pivotal role of market research in anticipating and understanding consumer responses, a lesson highlighted by the later success of alcoholic seltzer waters, hinting at what might have been if Coors had navigated its market entry differently.

#2 Identifying Competitive Edges: Carving Out Your Niche

Understanding where you can outshine your competitors is vital. Market research reveals gaps in the market that you can exploit to your advantage. Amazon’s rise to e-commerce dominance is a prime example of leveraging market research to pinpoint and fill needs within the market. By constantly analyzing consumer shopping habits and preferences, Amazon has continuously innovated its service offerings, including the Prime membership, which revolutionized online shopping with fast, free shipping.

#3 Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

A well-defined value proposition is crucial for differentiating your product or service in a saturated market. Market research aids in uncovering what truly matters to your target audience, allowing you to highlight these aspects in your messaging. Dyson’s focus on powerful, innovative vacuum technology addressed consumers’ frustration with conventional vacuums’ loss of suction. Through market research, Dyson understood the value of emphasizing this innovation, successfully positioning its products as superior in performance.

#4 Avoiding Market Missteps: The Risk of Brand Dilution

Ever wonder what happened to Colgate Lasagna? Expanding a brand without thorough market research can lead to costly errors, as demonstrated by Colgate’s foray into the frozen food sector. This extension was met with confusion and skepticism as consumers struggled to reconcile the brand’s strong association with oral hygiene with the concept of ready-to-eat meals. This venture into an unrelated market diluted the brand’s identity, underscoring the importance of market research in guiding brand extensions.

#5 Navigating Market Dynamics: Staying Ahead of Trends

Market research is crucial for understanding and anticipating changes in the market landscape. Kodak’s decline is a stark reminder of what happens when a company fails to adapt to technological advancements. Despite inventing the digital camera, Kodak was slow to embrace digital photography, clinging to its film-based business model until it was too late. Timely market research could have highlighted the shifting consumer preferences towards digital media, potentially saving the company from obsolescence.

Market Research as a Strategic Need

The importance of market research cannot be overstated; it is the foundation upon which successful business strategies are built. By offering insights into consumer behavior, competitive landscapes, and market trends, market research empowers brands to make informed decisions, minimize risks, and seize opportunities. As the business world continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the role of market research in navigating these changes becomes increasingly critical. Market research is not an expense to be avoided but an investment in your company’s future success.


The Benefits of Market Research in Times of Economic Uncertainty

Economic uncertainty can unsettle markets, disrupt consumer behavior, and challenge established business models. In such volatile times, market research becomes even more beneficial and essential for brands that navigate stormy waters with confidence and agility. The insights gained through diligent research can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving. Here’s how market research can fortify brands against the challenges of economic instability:

  • Enhanced Risk Management

In periods of economic uncertainty, the risks associated with every business decision are magnified. Market research acts as a risk management tool by providing a data-driven understanding of the current market conditions. It allows brands to make informed decisions by assessing potential risks and identifying mitigation strategies. For instance, during the 2008 financial crisis, Hyundai Motor America launched the Hyundai Assurance program, allowing customers to return their cars if they lost their jobs without impacting their credit. This initiative, grounded in understanding consumer fears about big purchases during economic downturns, helped Hyundai increase its market share.

Photo credit: Hyundai

  • Identifying Consumer Shifts

Economic downturns often lead to rapid changes in consumer behavior. Market research helps identify these shifts toward more budget-conscious spending, increased online shopping, or a greater focus on essential goods. Understanding these changes enables brands to adapt their offerings, marketing strategies, and distribution channels to meet the evolving needs of their customers. Netflix’s success during various economic downturns can be attributed to its understanding consumers’ desire for affordable entertainment options, leading to a significant increase in subscriptions.

  • Spotting Opportunities in Adversity

While economic uncertainty can close some doors, it often opens others. Through market research, businesses can uncover new opportunities arising from economic landscape changes. This could involve identifying new customer segments, emerging markets, or underserved needs that become more pronounced during difficult times. For example, the Great Recession saw the rise of the sharing economy, with companies like Airbnb and Uber capitalizing on people’s need to optimize their resources and earn extra income.

  • Strategic Resource Allocation

When resources are tight, efficiency becomes paramount. Market research helps brands allocate their resources more strategically, ensuring that product development, marketing, and expansion investments are directed where they’re most likely to yield returns. Companies can focus their efforts more effectively by understanding which products, services, or markets are most resilient or lucrative during economic downturns. This approach was instrumental for companies like Procter & Gamble, which doubled down on innovation and marketing for its core brands during the 2008 recession, leading to increased sales despite the broader economic challenges.

  • Building Customer Loyalty

Economic downturns can erode consumer trust and loyalty as people reevaluate spending priorities. Market research allows brands to understand their customers’ changing needs and concerns, enabling them to adjust their offerings and communications to reinforce trust. Companies can strengthen customer relationships by demonstrating empathy and support during tough times, laying the foundation for long-term loyalty. An example is Toyota’s “zero-percent financing” offer during the 2008 financial crisis, which aimed to retain customers’ trust and make car buying more accessible amidst financial instability.

  • Navigating Uncertainty with Insight

Market research offers clarity during economic uncertainty. Providing critical insights into consumer behavior, competitive dynamics, and market trends enables brands to make informed decisions, adapt to changing conditions, and uncover growth opportunities. As economies become increasingly unpredictable, the role of market research in guiding brands through these challenges is more vital than ever. Investing in market research during economic uncertainty is not just a strategy for survival but a proactive approach to thriving amidst adversity.

How to Conduct Effective Market Research During Times of Economic Uncertainty

Conducting market research during economic uncertainty can be challenging but incredibly rewarding in a world where traditional assumptions may no longer hold. Yet, these are when the insights gleaned from market research are also most valuable.

Here are eight steps to guide you in navigating market research during economic downturns, ensuring the data you collect is relevant and actionable.

Define clear objectives

Start with a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve with your market research. Objectives might include:

  • Identifying consumer behavior changes due to the economic climate.
  • Assessing the viability of a new product launch.
  • Understanding how competitive dynamics have shifted.

Clear objectives will guide your research methodology and ensure that the information you gather is directly relevant to your strategic decisions.

Leverage mixed methodologies

In times of uncertainty, relying on a single research method may not provide the whole picture. Combining quantitative methods (such as surveys and data analytics) with qualitative approaches (like interviews and focus groups) can offer deeper insights into how and why consumer behaviors change. This mixed-methods approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of the market, capturing both the breadth of trends and the depth of consumer sentiments.

Prioritize agile and flexible research designs

Your market research should be able to adapt quickly to changes in the economy. Opt for research designs that allow for adjustments as new information emerges. This might mean setting shorter project timelines or using digital tools that offer real-time data collection and analysis. Agility in research design ensures your insights are as current and actionable as possible.

Focus on digital and social media analytics

Digital and social media platforms are valuable real-time consumer sentiment and behavior sources. Monitoring trends, conversations, and feedback on these platforms can offer immediate insights into how consumers react to the economic environment. Tools that analyze social media trends and sentiments can help identify emerging needs, concerns, and opportunities that might not be captured through traditional research methods.

Engage with your existing customer base

Your current customers are a rich source of insight, particularly during uncertain times. Engage with them through surveys, feedback forms, or direct conversations to understand their changing needs and perceptions. This provides valuable data and strengthens customer relationships by showing that you value their input and are responsive to their needs.

Utilize secondary research to understand the macro environment

Secondary research, including industry reports, economic forecasts, and academic studies, can provide a valuable context for your primary research findings. Understanding the broader economic and industry trends can help you interpret your data within the larger picture, identifying which changes are likely temporary and which may represent long-term shifts.

Analyze competitor responses

Observing how your competitors react to economic uncertainty can offer insights into market dynamics and potential opportunities or threats. Analyze their marketing messages, product launches, and customer engagement strategies to gauge their market assessment and identify gaps in your approach.

Implement continuous monitoring

During uncertain times, market conditions can evolve quickly. Implement a system for continuously monitoring key metrics and sentiments, allowing you to track changes over time and adjust your strategies accordingly. This ongoing approach ensures your decisions are based on the latest data, keeping you responsive to the market’s needs.

The Green Brand Sustainability Study

Final Thoughts – The Strategic Advantage of Informed Flexibility

Effective market research during economic uncertainty provides a strategic advantage, offering clarity amidst confusion and guiding informed decision-making. By adopting a flexible, agile approach and utilizing a mix of methodologies, brands can confidently navigate the challenges of uncertain economic conditions. The insights gained help mitigate risks and uncover new opportunities for growth and adaptation. Ultimately, the ability to understand and respond to the market’s evolving needs will distinguish resilient brands from those that falter in the face of adversity.