Telecommunications market research.

Inspiring service enhancements and new features development for telecommunications brands

Janine Michalek Janine Michalek Telecommunications Market Research Lead

We bring deep expertise in telecommunications market research. Over the years, we’ve conducted research across a broad spectrum of telecoms customers: from big corporates interested in data warehousing to SMBs concerned with basic IT functionality to end consumers interested in the latest offers and the best coverage and bundles.

Our telecommunications market research team has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry – and helped them navigate some of their toughest challenges, as well as supporting them with day-to-day projects like understanding how to differentiate their brand’s position on 5G.

We helped telco brands navigate the corporate buying journey to provide the technical reason to believe for IT professionals as well as the benefit/reward analysis for senior decision makers. And we’ve helped undertake complex choice modelling studies to identify the best bundle to attract consumers.

Our Results

Our mission is to raise the impact of research – and we’re delivering

Kadence International Market Research Agency of the Year Singapore

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2019

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2020
Quirks Supplier of the Year Kadence International

Market Research Supplier of the Year


— Marketing Research & Insight Excellence Awards – 2019
Kadence International is Highly Commended for Global Agency of The Year

Global Agency of the Year

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society Awards, 2019
MRS Opperations Awards Trophy

Best Training and Development

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (telephone)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (face-to-face)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards – 2019

The global boutique for data and insight

Our global footprint makes us the go-to partner for international market research. We offer all qualitative and quantitative methodologies across our office network and beyond.

Local time Population
Free Report

How to succeed in the streaming wars

The streaming wars are hotting up. But in such a crowded market, how do you thrive? We spoke to consumers across 5 markets where Kadence has offices – the UK, US, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam – to understand what they want from their streaming providers.

Download the report now

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