B2B market research.

Bringing B2B organisations closer to their customers

Ellie Tehrani B2B Market Research Lead

We help organisations deepen their understanding of their B2B customers to shape their strategy around their needs.

We have a long heritage in B2B market research, having started life over 30 years ago as a B2B agency. As such, we’re experts at conducting research with hard-to-reach B2B audiences across the world. From CMOs and CFOs to miners and machinery dealers, you can trust us not just to track down the people you want to reach but to design a research approach that will help you gain rich insights that would otherwise go uncovered.

Our research powers thought leadership, business consultancy and strategy development for leading B2B organisations. For instance,  our work exploring the changing priorities of business decision makers in the face of COVID-19 has helped Bloomberg demonstrate its rich understanding of its B2B audience.

Our Results

Our mission is to raise the impact of research – and we’re delivering

Kadence International Market Research Agency of the Year Singapore

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2019

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2020
Quirks Supplier of the Year Kadence International

Market Research Supplier of the Year


— Marketing Research & Insight Excellence Awards – 2019
Kadence International is Highly Commended for Global Agency of The Year

Global Agency of the Year

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society Awards, 2019
MRS Opperations Awards Trophy

Best Training and Development

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (telephone)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (face-to-face)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards – 2019

The global boutique for data and insight

Our global footprint makes us the go-to partner for international market research. We offer all qualitative and quantitative methodologies across our office network and beyond.

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Free Report

Techlash is here – understanding the future of marketing

What does the next decade hold for marketing in the US and China? What are marketers’ priorities? Do they face increasing resistance from consumers and their views of new marketing innovations? Understand the consumer trends and the perspectives of leading marketers across the world’s two biggest economies: China and the US.

Download the report now

Not business as usual

Our latest research with Bloomberg sheds light on the views of business decision makers to explore the shift in business priorities as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

online research in asia
Free report

How to conduct online research in Asia – best practice guide

In most countries across Asia, face-to-face has long been the dominant form of market research – and this is likely to be the case for some time to come. But in the wake of COVID-19, we’ve produced a best practice guide to equip our clients with the knowledge and tools to execute online projects successfully.

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