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Showing 21-30 of 39
Health and wellness front cover
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Health and wellness trends for 2021

The global health and wellness industry is booming. Already a top priority for consumers before the pandemic, health and wellness have come into even sharper focus, with the industry undergoing significant transformation in response to Covid. Our report explores 4 trends brands need to watch in 2021 and beyond.

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The impact of Covid-19 on consumption in Thailand

Covid-19 has transformed consumer behaviour. But what impact has it had on consumers in Thailand and their spending patterns? We spoke to 4,000 consumers in Thailand to find out. Download the report to understand the impact on categories including food and beverage, electronics and cosmetics.

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online research in asia
Free report

How to conduct online research in Asia – best practice guide

In most countries across Asia, face-to-face has long been the dominant form of market research - and this is likely to be the case for some time to come. But in the wake of COVID-19, we've produced a best practice guide to equip our clients with the knowledge and tools to execute online projects successfully.