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Showing 441-450 of 471

Why the role of leadership isn’t what you think it is

The role of leadership is not what you think. The likelihood is, the more you think of yourself as an expert in leadership – the less likely you are to be a ‘great leader’. If, when you try and picture a great leader you see Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Nelson Mandela or Elon Musk. You […]

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What brands need to know about America’s CBD users

With legalization of recreational marijuana becoming more commonplace alongside a continual rise in the availability of cannabis-based products, it is a turbulent but exciting time for CBD. But do people really understand what CBD is and what it does? Why do people use CBD products … and how are people using it compared to cannabis? According […]


How to use primary research to humanise data

Big data has become a crucial tool for marketers. Targeting customers has never been so easy, quick, and most importantly, accurate. A quick search on the internet, an article read on the web, a message sent to a friend and the magic happens; our “action” is analysed, we are categorised and we start to see related […]

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Getting to know CBD users in the US – the essential report

Predictions for the growth of the cannabis industry are off the charts and it seems everyone is trying to get in on the action. Our latest research, compares almost 3,000 adult consumers (21+) across the United States to a similar 2018 study and explores usage behavior and attitudes related to cannabis and CBD.


Creativity as a tool

At Kadence, one of the key traits that we look to develop in all of our team members, is the ability to think creatively. The term ‘creativity’ is often misunderstood. It can be seen by some as a trait that only ‘artistic’ people possess – and not something to improve over time. Whilst it is […]